Q&A session to address route

A digger clears the remnants of historic fly tipping in Beach Rd last September. PHOTO: BRENDON...
A digger clears the remnants of historic fly tipping in Beach Rd last September. PHOTO: BRENDON McMAHON

The mayor of Waitaki district believes a partial reinstatement of the controversially closed coastal route south of Oamaru is possible — although what ratepayers favour has yet to be seen.

Waitaki District Mayor Gary Kircher and Waitaki District Council assets manager Joshua Rendall will front a livestreamed public question and answer session tonight on social media ahead of formal consultation by the council under its 2025-34 long term plan.

Beach Rd from Cape Wanbrow along the Kakanui Coast is regarded by some as one of the most scenic highways in Otago.

But it was temporarily closed in August when the council launched the cleanup of two historic illegal dump sites along the road edge.

This was under a wider cleanup of vulnerable eroding coastal sites dubbed Project Reclaim, including the removal of the council’s former Hampden Beach landfill and fly-tipping at Beach Rd.

The illegal fly-tipping sites in Beach Rd are thought to have operated between the 1950s and 1970s.

The dumps were found to be extended well beneath the road and the cleanup has left two massive gulches where the road should be.

Mr Kircher said he did not favour "full retreat" for Beach Rd although cost and value was questions for the community.

Yesterday, he suggested elected representatives needed information on the full costs of any reinstatement, plus a breakdown of Project Reclaim’s costs.

The "wash-up costs" of the project were still coming in ahead of any final decision, Mr Kircher said.

The council website this week stated the total cost for Project Reclaim as $18.35 million (originally $12.5m-$15m), including a contingency. That incorporates $5.2m of waste and Emissions Trading Scheme levies.

Mr Kircher said a promised waiver of the waste levy component by central government remained unconfirmed but could make a tangible difference.

"That will help us look at whether we do fix Beach Rd."