Repairs to bridge still weeks away

Part of the Oamaru Creek bridge in Severn St has been coned off after being hit by a vehicle last...
Part of the Oamaru Creek bridge in Severn St has been coned off after being hit by a vehicle last month. PHOTO: WYATT RYDER
One of Oamaru’s busiest bridges was damaged last month, but repairs may still be weeks away.

A vehicle damaged the side of Severn St’s Oamaru Creek bridge on April 17.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Coastal Otago senior network manager Michael Tannock said it was working to ensure the heritage process was complete before repairs began.

It would be a few weeks at the earliest before that was complete.

The main structure was undamaged by the incident.

"We don't consider that there will be any long-term implications of this damage."

The work originally blocked about ten parks leading up to the bridge, but on Facebook Waitaki mayor Gary Kircher said cones were moved following the council speaking to NZTA, freeing up about four parks.