Novel story idea

Kyle Mewburn
Kyle Mewburn
Nine writers, one crazy story and children helping to create the masterpiece.

It could be a recipe for success or disaster, but however it turns out, the process will be fun.

That's the promise from "Fabo story" team leader, children's book author Kyle Mewburn, of Millers Flat.

Nine writers have joined forces to write a junior fiction novel, being posted on the Fabo story website, starting on July 21.

The team is made up of Mewburn, 2010 Robert Burns Fellow Michele Powles, who is based in Dunedin, Fifi Clouston, Fleur Beale and Maureen Crisp, of Wellington, Melinda Szymanik, Brian Falkner, Kathy White and Tania Hutley.

"The first chapter will be posted next week and then the fun begins. New Zealand children are being invited to write the next chapter, at the same time as one of the Fabo story writers, and send it to the Fabo team. The winning kid's chapter will be posted side by side with the Fabo team's version," Mr Mewburn said.

"On week one, writer A writes chapter one. In week 2, writer B writes chapter two and completely messes up writer A's original idea while cackling gleefully and rubbing evil little hands together. In week 3, writer C takes the story off into a completely different direction altogether."

The name Fabo was short for Facebook and was chosen as the writers initially discussed the idea on the social networking website, he said.

The Fabo Story website is



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