Wanaka's latest subdivision plan - Riverhead Park, near the Clutha River outlet - faces stiff opposition from several local residents and environmental lobby groups.
Queenstown-based development company East Wanaka Land Trust Holdings wants to create 52 rural lots on a 130ha block of land, located northwest of Aubrey Rd and Outlet Rd, beside the Clutha River.
The proposal has attracted 14 submissions in opposition, from various Wanaka residents, the Otago Regional Council, and from the Upper Clutha Environmental Society (UCES).
The UCES objects to the proposed new subdivision on the grounds that a resource consent application "of this scale" should be the subject of a council plan change.
Several residents neighbouring the proposed subdivision say it would disrupt the views across rolling farm land from their homes located on Mount Iron.
East Wanaka Land Holdings is a subsidiary company of Queenstown-based developer Darby Partners Ltd, which also has interests in golf course and skifield developments in the Lakes district.
The applicant contends that the Wanaka Structure Plan makes provision for the new subdivision, while the district plan defines the proposal as a "discretionary activity," in its rural general zoned location.
Opposing submitters say that the Wanaka Structure Plan has no statutory authority and that the applicants seek to circumvent district plan policies.
Four submissions have been received in support of the Riverhead Park development, including one from the neighbouring Lake Outlet Holiday Park and adjacent subdivision developers for Allenby Farms Ltd.
A submission from the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust has requested conditions relating to the protection of public access, in the form of walking and cycling tracks through the area and beyond, to the Clutha River.
A planning report from Queenstown Lakes District Council planning authority Lakes Environmental is still to be prepared, and a resource consent hearing date has also to be decided.