A Czech man caught driving in Queenstown while more than four times the legal limit had gone on a winery tour the previous day, a court has heard.
At Hornik’s sentencing in the Queenstown District Court on Friday, counsel Annaliese Carlaw said the defendant had mistakenly thought enough time had passed since the tour to allow him to safely drive home to Shotover Country.
The temporary visa holder would be leaving the country in October, Ms Carlaw said.
Community magistrate Sally O’Brien told the defendant she could not fathom why he had decided to get behind the wheel.
"You were lucky the police stopped you when they did, because you could easily have hurt yourself or others."
The public expected her to "punish" people who drove with such a high alcohol level.
She convicted Hornik, imposed a fine of $1000 and court costs of $143, and disqualified him for 10 months.
— Guy Williams, PIJF court reporter