Judge gives driver chance to address alcohol issue

A Queenstown woman caught drink-driving twice in a day, with "exceptionally high" breath-test levels, has been given a chance to address her alcohol dependence.

When Mila Georgievna Turnbull was first stopped by police on August 4, her breath-alcohol reading was 1104mcg, or more than four times the legal limit.

When the 41-year-old was pulled over again five hours later, it was 1592mcg — over six times the limit and one of the highest levels recorded in the Southern police district in recent years.

She was also breaching an alcohol interlock sentence, imposed two months earlier after she was caught driving with a level of 1476mcg.

Sentencing Turnbull in the Queenstown District Court on Monday, Judge Catriona Doyle warned her there were few sentencing options left if she kept offending, with prison being one.

Turnbull was stopped by police about 8.30am on August 4 after she was seen driving in Lower Shotover Rd.

She told police she had been drinking with friends the night before.

At 3.30pm, she was pulled over in Stalker Rd after her driving showed signs of intoxication.

Judge Doyle suppressed details of why the defendant was driving that afternoon.

Turnbull got her first drink-driving conviction after she was caught with a breath-alcohol level of 1476mcg on May 26.

Turnbull, who had been on her way to work, told police she had drunk two bottles of bubbly at a party the night before, but felt "absolutely fine" to drive.

Counsel Louise Denton said the alcohol interlock sentence from the defendant’s first conviction was not recorded by the New Zealand Transport Agency due to an "administrative oversight".

The defendant had been unable to resolve the issue by telephone with the agency, partly because of language difficulties.

She had continued driving despite being suspended until she had an interlock fitted to her car.

Judge Doyle said the "exceptionally high" breath-alcohol levels, and repetitive nature of the offending, indicated the defendant had a problem with alcohol.

Her sentence would be rehabilitative, enabling Turnbull to address the problem while continuing to work.

Turnbull was convicted and sentenced to 120 hours’ community work and 12 months’ supervision, with a condition she complete an addiction programme.

She is disqualified from driving until she has an alcohol interlock fitted to her car.

