Night sky time-lapses showcased in short film

Winterstellar chief executive and astrophotographer Andy Davey and composer Liz Conway are...
Winterstellar chief executive and astrophotographer Andy Davey and composer Liz Conway are looking forward to the premiere of their short film Rangi Takō/Clear Skies on Monday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED/PAULA STEPHENSON
An "incredibly emotive" short film is coming to Central Cinema, in Alexandra, which combines night sky time-lapses with original local music.

Winterstellar chief executive and astrophotographer Andy Davey and composer Liz Conway have produced a short film of time-lapses of New Zealand’s night sky from nine astrophotographers set to an original soundtrack.

The short film, Rangi Takō/Clear Skies, had been a "voyage of discovery", Mr Davey said.

"When you get the timing right of music and video, it’s a whole new dimension."

Making stock music fit the time-lapse video was often unsatisfying, Mr Davey said.

"The idea of having a local composer who’s writing music, who’s inspired by the video ... There’s a flexibility you can have."

Mrs Conway said it had been "a bit of a dance" to compose music to the rhythms which emerged from the time-lapse videos.

"There was a lot of flexibility to make them work together.

"A lot of back and forth ... We got there in the end."

The final product was recorded live, imperfections and all, which gave it more depth, she said.

"Behind every lens is an incredibly passionate photographer who’s just up there doing what they love.

"Behind the music it’s me ... It’s what I love doing more than anything."

Bringing the music and visuals together elevated the final video to "quite an astounding level", she said.

"It’s incredibly emotive ... music and art has a way of reaching us on a deep level, it can really trigger those emotions."

The film will premiere on Monday at the opening of the 2024 Winterstellar Exhibition.

Tickets are available from the Central Stories Museum reception.

