Local Legend: Marie Smith

This week’s winner of the Silver Fern Farms Local Legend prize is Marie Smith, of Milton. 

Marie was awarded the prize for devoting many years of her life to being a volunteer ambulance officer.

While she has retired from active front-line duty, she remains a community stalwart. She is chairwoman for the local St John area committee supporting their local ambulance station.

She also is a community member for Clutha Land Search and Rescue, Three Steps for Life community educator, is on the Bruce Communities Facilities Trust where she is both chairwoman and a committee member, and also serves on the board for Tokomairiro Waiora, among other things.

"This great lady should be recognised as a local legend," her nominees said.

Congratulations to Marie!

Remember to send in your nomination names, their contact details and why they deserve the prize to evelyn.thorn@alliedpress.co.nz and they could be in to win.

Many thanks to Silver Fern Farms for continuing to make this award possible each week.