In October last year Aleina Beer was diagnosed with meningitis septicemia. She has had multiple health challenges since.
On Saturday, the Northern Southland Pony Club senior coach entered her horse Peta Pan in the Northern Southland Pony Club Show at Lumsden in the showing event and also took part in the open horse 90cm showjumping event.
It was her first event since her illness and now she has been classified as a para equestrian rider, she can compete without using stirrups.
Miss Beer (24), who lives near Dipton, said she felt very fortunate to be alive.
"Extremely lucky — I should have been dead," she said.
Someone had commented to her that she must have a strong will to live.
"I suppose I do. I enjoy life."
Her family and close friends had been very supportive, but it was her love of riding that had helped her most on the road to recovery.
"It’s just kept me going.
"It’s a sport where you can just get on and just forget about everything else that’s going on.
"It’s kind of like a getaway place."
Riding her horse had also helped keep her active.
"I’d be quite unfit and stuck inside all the time if I didn’t have a horse."
Last year she spent three weeks in Dunedin Hospital’s intensive care unit fighting for her life and it was 110 days before she was released.
The list of health complications she experienced because of the meningitis included multiple organ failure, pneumonia, toe amputations and an infection in her left foot.
"I’ve now got chronic kidney disease, so I’m getting monthly blood tests.
"I just have to wait until that starts to fail and I will get a kidney transplant at some point."
Two weeks before
lockdown the infection
in her left foot returned and she was in hospital again.
She was now facing either the fusion of the bones in her foot or amputation because arthritis had damaged the joint which had previously been infected.
"I was 50-50 on it for quite a long time but at some point I was thinking I’m just going to take it off because I am sick of it, sick of the pain.
"I’ve decided now to go with fusion because it’s going to be easier to ride if you’ve got more of a leg."
She could not put any weight on the foot.
In July she had started riding again on Millie, who was very quiet, and then graduated to Peta Pan.
The 8-year-old was a former racehorse she had been schooling for the past three years.
"He’s really good for a thoroughbred.
"He has his thoroughbred moments, but he is kind and listens well.
"I just love him.
"He’s got so much potential."
Apart from last year, when she was in hospital, she had been attending the show for 15 years.
"It was cool to be back in the saddle."
She fell off in the showing event, but apart from one refusal in the showjumping had a clear round.
"I had to concentrate quite hard."
Instead of being seated in a saddle she sat on a pad and had to make sure she kept balanced.
"You haven’t got the security of the saddle... and so it’s a wee bit harder to stay on."
Club president Margaret O’Connor is also Miss Beer’s aunt.
She said it had been an emotional moment for people in the pony club family to see Miss Beer riding again.
"Everybody clapped after her round," Mrs O’Connor said.
"She was extremely lucky to survive and for her it’s the grit and determination to get back in the saddle that’s probably what’s going to help her rehabilitation.
"It’s a miracle and to see her back in the saddle is just completely amazing."