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Lochie Still, 18, and Talent Quest singer Indy Ivamy, 17, both of Dunedin. PHOTOS: NICK BROOK

Ollie Russel, 11, of Milton, Jasper Finch, 9, of Dunedin, and Jake Mcleod, 8, also of Milton.

Julie Wendelgelst, of Waiwera South, Katy Button, of Port Molyneux, Ashley Wendelgelst, 18, of Waiwera South, and Sophie Vernon, of Shropshire, England.

Mosgiel rockers Archie Walters, 10, Harry Lind, 9, Oscar Scott, 10, and Elliot and Cameron Thomas, both 9.

Milton lads Rory Hancock, 14, Sioeli Pulu, 14, James Walker, 13, Riley Milburn, 14, and Troy Mallon, 14, (kneeling).
Milton, Saturday, December 9