Two brothers went on a violent tour of their family members’ homes, breaking down doors and attacking people over mounting grievances, a court has heard.

The court heard on the night of March 21 the brothers were drinking together when they started calling their immediate family to confront them on their issues.
At the top of the list was their younger brother, who had begun a relationship with Hamish Linwood’s former partner.
After midnight, armed with baseball bats, the two smashed the door into their brother’s home, confronting him and attacking him with the weapons.
When a neighbour came to help, they began a serious assault against him, punching, kicking and hitting him with various objects and weapons.
They then drove to the home of their former stepfather where they smashed the front door and window, storming their way in and punching the man in the head.
The brothers’ next target was their mother’s address, where she was with Hamish Linwood’s 10-year–old daughter.
They smashed a large glass window to gain entry.
When their mother complained they punched her around the head and neck, while the child hid in another room.
Later, the men arrived at the home of their mother’s business partner, who was able to escape through a window, but heard them loudly smashing their way in and breaking things.
Counsel Paige Noorland, acting for the younger of the two, said the offending was a "one-off".
"It was fuelled by quarrels between family members, and it all came to a head on one unfortunate night."
The pre-sentence report before the court described Johnny Linwood as a "good man" who got into trouble when it involved his family.
"You tried to be the peacemaker in the family, but it resulted in you ending up in court," the report writer said.
Johnny Linwood said things had got out of hand.
The court heard both brothers had expressed remorse immediately and had been involved in the restorative justice process.
Judge Ruth said both had criminal records with violence charges; the older brother’s record was more extensive.
On the charges of burglary and injuring with intent to injure the judge sentenced Johnny Linwood to 10 months’ home detention.
Given his longer record and for carrying out a threatening act and wilful damage, the judge sentenced Hamish Linwood to 100 hours’ community work on top of 11 months’ home detention.
— Ella Scott-Fleming, PIJF court reporter