Cause of house fire not yet known

The home in Downs Rd North, near Te Tipua, damaged by fire on Monday morning. PHOTO: BEN ANDREWS
The home in Downs Rd North, near Te Tipua, damaged by fire on Monday morning. PHOTO: BEN ANDREWS
The cause of a house fire near Te Tipua is yet to be determined, Fire and Emergency New Zealand says.

Fenz was alerted to the fire in Downs Rd North at 8am on Monday.

Fenz shift manager Blair Walklin said four fire crews attended the scene.

"While crews were en route they upgraded it to a second alarm, bringing in further resources from Wyndham and Edendale," Mr Walklin said.

Crews from Gore and Mataura also attended the scene.

When they arrived at the home it was "well involved", he said.

"[The crews] were there a considerable amount of time. We did have some heavy machinery come in and assist us to pull the house apart and extinguish any hot spots."

The fire was contained by 10am, he said.

A fire investigator attended the scene but at this stage there had been no indication what caused the fire, he said.

"We have not been told what the cause was or whether it was suspicious."

The home was occupied when the fire occurred but no injuries had been reported.