Champions League-style format mooted

A major revamp to national league football is reported to be in the works.

The new proposal is for a Champions League-style league to replace the existing national premiership at the conclusion of the regional winter leagues, Stuff reported.

It would be a similar format to the Super Club competition, held in the mid-1990s.

It was reported the league would be made up of eight to 10 teams, qualifying through northern, central and southern leagues.

New Zealand Football had been undergoing a review into its competitions and a proposal for a new format had been set a year ago.

However, a new delivery and sustainability project was commissioned in May, following the impacts of Covid-19.

Its key aims were to be financially viable, provide development and aspirational pathways, as well as giving players about 30 games per season in one environment.

Feedback on the proposal is due on Friday next week and it is expected the outcome will be released by the end of the month.

It would mark an end to the present national premiership structure, which has been in place since 2004.

That is set to kick-off this weekend, although Southern United will not field a team for the first time, following the impacts of Covid-19.

New Zealand Football and Football South could not be reached for comment.

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