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George Abbott (Bayfield High School) finishes his run at Challenge Wanaka. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Daniel Joint (John McGlashan College) shows his form during the Otago-Southland water-skiing championships at Millers Flat. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Kaikorai Valley College pupil Lin Miura tackles the climbing wall at the KVC sports expo. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Blake Dalton (Taieri College) sprints to glory at the Otago athletics championships at the Caledonian Ground. PHOTO: LYNETTE CAMPBELL

Dunstan High School pupil Mac Denniston on his way to a New Zealand athletics record in the under-18 para shot put. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Mayce Williams (left) and Peta Smith support their team at the Dunstan High School athletics sports day. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

John McGlashan College rowers Angus Loe (left) and Matt O’Meara celebrate gold in the under-18 double at the Maadi Cup. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A picture tells a thousands words. As the school holidays approach, the Otago Secondary Schools Sports Association shares these images of Otago pupils in action in the first term.