Dunedin firm’s education tool a winner

ADInstruments head of education products Amy Bucher at the company’s head office in Dunedin....
ADInstruments head of education products Amy Bucher at the company’s head office in Dunedin. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
Dunedin's ADInstruments has won a global award for its product which helps tertiary students learn from home.

The company’s cloud-based learning platform Lt this month won the content provider solution award at the annual international Edtech Awards.

It was also a finalist in the authoring tools solution and science solution categories.

The awards, held virtually and organised by United States-based Edtech Digest, recognise innovators in the global education technology sector.

It was "super exciting" to be recognised on a globally, ADInstruments head of education products Amy Bucher said.

Lt specialised in science education for tertiary students studying a range of courses, particularly psychology and nursing.

When the product was launched in 2015, it was found that tertiary institutions "really lagged behind" in adopting new technology while primary and secondary education had been much quicker, Mrs Bucher said.

Demand increased for Lt in early 2020 when tertiary institutions began to shift to learning from home as the Covid-19 pandemic took hold.

It "really pushed" educators to learn about and use technology that had been available for while, Mrs Bucher said.

Most of Lt’s customers were in Europe, the United Kingdom and North America, where students spent more time learning from home than in New Zealand, Mrs Bucher said.

As the world moved into a post-Covid environment, Mrs Bucher expected the hybrid learning model to continue to be popular.

"The technology has transformed the way they learn now and I wouldn’t expect that to change anytime soon."

Mrs Bucher believed the global education technology industry had "found its feet" due to the pandemic.

"It is a really hot sector to be in at the moment, there is a lot of competition ... which is great," she said.


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