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After two years of development, the Dunedin City Council's new $85,000 website is now live.

The redeveloped website became operational on Monday, 10 years after the last major change.

Council communications and marketing manager Graham McKerracher said the changes were meant to improve the navigation, search function and accessibility, as well as the look and feel of the website, which attracted 655,804 visitors last year.

The cost of the redevelopment was $85,000 spent over two financial years and was designed by Dunedin company The Bold, Mr McKerracher said.

''The purpose is to give customers a better experience and make our website easier for them to use.''

The estimated life span for the new site was from six to 10 years.



Noooo! Your new website is terrible! Hard to navigate, no information and a dated style.

Take 'Home Refuse Collection' for example, the blue recycle bin - there is no 'Related Information' as to where to get these bins from other than 'contact Council Services'.

I had to Google 'Council Services' to get a DCC phone number, for them to tell me I need to go to the Mosgiel Library - why is this not on the site?

It looks like no site navigation testing was completed, no user testing was completed so $85k well spent!

The blue bins are for glass recycling and I had no trouble finding out how to get a replacement bin on the website. Took all of two minutes.

Same with the yellow lidded recycling bins - easy to find the information.

Home refuse collection is done via the black bags or through private refuse wheelie bins. Again, the rubbish bags were easy to find out about on the website.

After only a few minutes on the website I can see it's pretty easy to find out about just about anything.

