A gifted actor, Ewen MacIntosh transformed a character originally envisaged as a bit-part into an increasingly important fixture in renowned British television sitcom The Office. "Big Keith" started out as part of the background but after MacIntosh impressed the show’s creators when asked to improvise an out-of-office message, he started to move into the foreground. "He was so hilarious we started writing more and more dialogue for him. He soon stole every scene he was in. A total one-off," co-writer and co-director Stephen Merchant said. Born in Wales, MacIntosh studied linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, where he became involved in theatre and improv comedy. Keith Bishop was his breakthrough role, and his appearance at Wernham Hogg’s Red Nose Day celebrations as Sacha Baron Cohen’s wannabe gangsta rapper Ali G was arguably the character’s finest moment. MacIntosh went on to appear in Miranda and Little Britain, but ongoing ill health limited his opportunities. MacIntosh died on February 19, aged 50. — Agencies