There are many different kinds of yoga out there but the most commonly used for exercise in Otago is Iyengar yoga.
Devised by B.K.S. Iyengar, this style is primarily concerned with the correct alignment of the body to avoid any injuries and to help target problem areas.
Looking at his books, it's easy to be intimidated by the freakish flexibility of the man. But Iyengar yoga offers poses for any level of experience and can build strength and flexibility fairly quickly.
Iyengar is learnt through a sequence of asanas (poses) and later pranayama (breath control).
These asanas include such evocative names as downward-facing dog, cobra, cow face and one-legged King Pigeon. The pose of the corpse is surprisingly relaxing.
Another feature of Iyengar is the use of props such as blocks, chairs and ropes, which help to correctly achieve the pose.
Poses are held for longer than in other styles, so remember the key is tenacity.
Getting started
The only equipment you really need to get started is a yoga mat.
These can cost anywhere from $15 to $100, but it isn't necessary to buy the best till you're sure you will continue.
Wear comfortable clothes that allow movement but that don't gape - the only things that really need to be seen are your ankles and feet.
And before you start - if you have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor.
To find yoga classes near you, see the yellow pages or community notices.
Every class is different so if you are not happy with the first one, keep trying.