HIIT + resistance training + mindful eating = fat loss.
Dietary fats are the primary fuel source for low-intensity aerobic exercise.
Dietary carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for high intensity anaerobic exercise.

When we expend (calories out) more energy than we consume (calories in) in energy, we are in a catabolic state, meaning the body initiates metabolic processes to use stored body fat as its source of energy.
HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio exercise is superior to LISS (low intensity steady state training) cardio exercise for overall fat loss because:
- Total energy expenditure is greater throughout the exercise.
- Calories continue to burn for up to 12 hours post HIIT exercise. This is known as the EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) effect, whereby numerous metabolic reactions (all requiring energy to be enabled) occur, while bringing the body back to its resting state.
It is important to also add resistance (strength) training to your weekly schedule to develop more lean muscle because:
- Muscle is the “engine” that burns fuel.
- More lean muscle = higher resting metabolic rate = more fat is burning 24/7.

What to do?
Always ensure total daily calories out exceed total daily calories in, so as to ensure your body breaks down stored fat.
You can do this by:
• Nutritional quality - adhering to a 65% carbohydrate, 15% fat and 20% protein daily plan.
• Mindfully moderating your serving sizes.
• Complete 2+ HIIT sessions per week.
• Complete 2+ resistance training sessions per week.