Bus collides with 'parklet' in Dunedin's CBD

A bus has collided with a "parklet" in Dunedin's CBD only a matter of weeks after it was converted from a bus stop.

Dunedin resident Liam McIlvanney shared an image of the crash on George St on Twitter this morning.

It is unclear if anyone was sitting in the parklet, which is on the road, at the time of the crash.

Comment is being sought from Dunedin City Council which recently installed it in place of an unused bus stop.

It appeared there was not significant damage to the parklet, but a slice was taken out of the side of the bus.

The collision comes after the council announced late last month three "parklets" had been installed in Dunedin's CBD in disused bus stops, with plans to install two more.

When they were announced, some on social media questioned the safety of sitting in a park on a main thoroughfare. 

The parklet installations are part of a series of "trials and activations" for the George St redevelopment under the Dunedin City Council's central city plan.

Council urban designer Luke McKinlay said the smokefree parklets - small seating or green spaces - would provide spaces for people to sit, relax, and enjoy the city.

They were made off site, using a range of materials including steel and wood, before being installed. They can be relocated if necessary.

Mr McKinlay said the structures were likely to remain in place until permanent streetscape works were undertaken as part of the planned George St upgrade. The parklet on Princes St might be in place longer, as it would not be affected by the George St works.

The cost of the five parklets was about $167,000 in total.


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Move that Bus, Move that Bus!!!! and remove the person who approved this concept. Seriously lucky nobody was hurt especially a child. These should all be removed due to the possibility of injury. And it is over to you Hawkins and Cull for comment, where did they go?

As somebody who has the opportunity to see a lot of Ritchies buses and activities, and whose car has fallen victim previously, I am not sure the parklet would necessarily be to blame in this incident. I challenge anybody to find a Ritchies bus that doesn't have at least one damaged panel on it.

Betcha neva sore that won kummin ...

It's going to be SO disappointing to lose some of the city’s finest minds; designing, planning, building and seeing some of the most innovative and brilliant ideas come to life and show the rest of the country … nay, the WORLD … how to put a city on the map … even if it is on the back.
I’m actually so distraught over this I’m finding it difficult to catch my breath and would call for an ambulance, however, I have been told I’d have to call the rescue chopper in as the ambulance cannot negotiate the extremely small diameter and excessive height of the roundabout at the end of my street, without encroaching onto the bright green cycle lane.
I fear the city we adore so much, is destined to die a horrible death, much like a parklet in the prime of its life.

Hello Otago Daily Times - why is it that my comments are never publicly posted? I know I'm critical of this Council and even of Dunedin, but I never curse within my comments. You appear to be suppressing (moderating) my right to free speech.

Editor's response - Hi there, unfortunately a few of your comments were found to be inappropriate and so could not be published. Calling specific individuals by name "idiots" and personal attacks of that nature at not permitted. Criticism is absolutely allowed, but name-calling does not qualify. In future please keep this in mind. Cheers

Curious George, have you ever driven any of the routes that bus drivers have to negotiate, day in and day out? They run a gauntlet of narrow streets, tight, and in many cases, right turns onto busy thoroughfares, avoiding overhead verandahs, whilst looking out for passengers wishing to board. At the same time they must ensure that they don't cross the line in the centre of the road. I would challenge you to drive a vehicle with a minimum measurement of 12m long x 2.5m wide SAFELY down a main street with lanes measuring between 2.5 & 3.2m wide that the DCC has had the stupidity to place seating structures protruding onto the roadway. I certainly wouldn't be that brave.

Hopefully, when Lee Vandervis becomes Mayor, he'll get rid of these dangerous obstacles.

Wow..horrible death by bike lane...just when you thought naysayin' couldn't get any more bizarre. Whatever that has to do with the apparently bad bus driving we see here is anyone's guess.

Seating structures placed on the road? Are they legal?

Let us all pray. Dear Lord Jesus, please give us the strength to make it through another day with the Dunedin City Council charge. Please forgive them, for they know not what they do!

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