Drug tests for Hyde St Party

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Testers from the NZ Drug Foundation and KnowYourStuff will be returning to the University of Otago ahead of the Hyde St Party, the Otago University Students' Association says.

About 8500 people have put their names forward for general admission to the Hyde St party this year.

The event, capped at 3600 people, will take place on April 13.

OUSA event manager Jason Schroeder said the drug testing service, brought in for O-Week, would be in the same place as last time, at OUSA's car park in Albany St.

Testing would take place on Friday during the day, as well as the morning of April 13.

Mr Schroeder understood the testers would be using a spectrometer, which would yield a more accurate result than last time, when a reagent test was used.

For the second time, the testing was ''completely independent'' of the university, Mr Schroeder said.

While residents of Hyde St and surrounding streets have preferential entry, other attendees will be decided via a lottery.

Expressions of interests closed 4pm yesterday.

While the party was organised by Hyde St residents, OUSA looked after the safety and security of partygoers - working alongside services including police and St John.

This year, partygoers would each receive a free burger, ensuring everyone had a ''decent feed'', and the multicoloured, unwoven bracelets would return.


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