You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News Dunedin 0 CommentsCruise ship Noordam is due to arrive in Port Chalmers this morning from Fiordland. The vessel, with capacity for 1972 passengers and 800 crew, is expected to berth at Beach St wharf at 6.30am today, and to sail for Lyttelton at 5pm. Related Stories Power cut hits Dunedin suburbs Driver sought after cyclist hit in Dunedin 'Screaming' Dunedin woman assaulted police and medical staff Top surfer drowned in almost 'unsurfable' waves at Aramoana Southern authors in final cut for top literary prizes Pupils locked on the ball, bat and racket Call to probe extent of alleged offending Med student lift hailed; could take more SUBSCRIBER 'Far too harsh': Dog owner fights council ban SUBSCRIBER PM cops flak over Marmite comment Teacher working in Kyiv bomb shelter classroom SUBSCRIBER 70-year-old tries for record Strait swim More