Flat rate as rubbish bags kicked to the kerb

Dunedin property owners who have rubbish and recycling collected from the kerb will pay a flat rate for the upgraded service.

The revamped Dunedin City Council service is to be brought in from July next year and will include wheelie bins for general rubbish and a separate collection for food scraps and garden waste.

Council rubbish bags will cease to be part of the service.

It has been estimated the new system will cost from $320 to $340 a property — the final figure will be determined next year.

Photo: ODT files
Photo: ODT files
Ratepayers who want an extra bin for garden waste face another charge of $140-$180.

The existing targeted flat rate is $106.10, but households also pay for council rubbish bags or private collection from wheelie bins.

A flat targeted rate was recommended by council staff.

*Residents will be able to choose between an 80L or 140L red bin and an 80L or 240L yellow bin.
*Residents will be able to choose between an 80L or 140L red bin and an 80L or 240L yellow bin.
Councillors had two other options put in front of them — charging a targeted rate based on capital value, or a combination of this approach and a targeted rate — but this would have resulted in some property owners paying more than others for the same service.

No councillor argued for a different approach to the recommended option.

Cr Sophie Barker said a flat targeted rate was the fairest charging approach available.

She acknowledged the lack of reward for people who generated little rubbish, but said the system was better for the city as a whole.

Cr Bill Acklin said the new system stacked up well for value.

Cr Andrew Whiley said he believed people were looking forward to the new service getting under way.

Cr Steve Walker said the system was an improvement on the current system and for many people it would be cost-neutral.


