Expo to help senior citizens

Positive Ageing Expo co-ordinator Brett Collins is trying to get  information to the  Taieri’s...
Positive Ageing Expo co-ordinator Brett Collins is trying to get information to the Taieri’s elderly people. Photo: Linda Robertson
A Mosgiel event aims to help the elderly have more fun and develop confidence.

Age Concern Otago’s Positive Ageing Expo — Stepping Into The Future will be held at the Mosgiel Senior Citizens Hall from 10am to 2pm on Friday as part of the Festival of the Plain.

The room will feature  stalls dedicated to health and improving the quality of life of seniors.

Co-ordinator Brett Collins said  elderly people would be invited to join groups and talk to other people.

"There’s going to be a lot of demonstrations and music throughout the day."

A key demonstration would be of tai chi, he said.

The event was being held partly in response to seniors  being stressed about ageing.

"Also, I think information is really hard for elderly people to get because they’re not tech savvy and can’t go on the internet."

Mosgiel was a prime location for the event because of its older population, he said.

"We’ve had quite a few people calling up.  I think we’ll get a few people along, but it’s hard to gauge."

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