Farmers in Ocean View are banding together in an attempt to catch a dog blamed for killing more than 40 sheep on the property owned by Ewan and Anne McLeod.
About 40 animals have been killed since the attacks started on September 1.
The latest attack was on Saturday night when a lamb was killed.
Last Tuesday night, four lambs were killed and two others later died of their injuries.
A couple of weeks ago Mr McLeod was considering laying poison to kill the animal which was causing him thousands of dollars in lost stock, but instead he and his neighbours have been spotlighting their properties at night in the hope of seeing the dog.
It had resulted in some long nights, but Mr McLeod was now sure which dog had been maiming and killing his sheep.
It was a "leggy" tan-coloured bitch with a pitbull terrier-like head.
The dog would be shot if caught, he said.