Inexperience, rain cited in crash

Driver inexperience and heavy rain may have contributed to a crash in which a car flipped on State Highway 1 and landed on its roof in a paddock between Waikouaiti and Palmerston.

The car, driven by a Dunedin teenager with four teenage passengers, went out of control near Goodwood about 7pm on Monday.

Constable Lesley Eason, of Waikouaiti, who attended the crash, said the 17-year-old driver may have struggled with the heavy rain at the time. She was not affected by alcohol.

"It could be a bit of inexperience on her part," Const Eason said.

The five occupants were transported by ambulance to Dunedin Hospital with minor injuries, including bruises and cuts. They managed to get out of the extensively damaged vehicle, despite it landing on its roof.

The Palmerston and Waikouaiti volunteer fire brigades were called to the incident.


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