New crossing on hold after lack of feedback

The addition of a new pedestrian crossing in North Rd could still be three or four years away because of a lack of feedback from the Northeast Valley community on the issue.

Last month the Dunedin City Council asked for feedback from the Northeast Valley community about the possibility of adding another crossing and where would be the best place.

Only nine submissions were made.

There are two pedestrian crossings in North Rd, one in front of Dunedin North Intermediate and Sacred Heart School and the other in front of North East Valley Normal School.

In the past two years the council has made improvements in North Rd, including changing the phasing of traffic lights and installing lights at the crossing in front of Dunedin North Intermediate and Sacred Heart School.

Council transportation engineer Diana Munster was surprised with the small number of submissions, given there had been discussions about the safety of pedestrians crossing the road for more than two years.

Because of the lack of response from residents, the council would delay installing a new crossing.

With cycle lane improvements planned for 2016 and 2017, Ms Munster said the council might wait until then so any new crossing could be worked in with the improvements.

The council was still keen to hear from residents and organisations about their concerns over the issue, she said.

Jonathan Rhodes Kindergarten teacher Fiona Owers said there were concerns about parents and their children crossing North Rd, particularly at 9am and 3pm, which were very busy times.

However, the council was right not to rush into putting in another crossing until it had decided on the right place, she said.

Ross Home manager Margaret Pearce said the crossing issue on North Rd north of North East Valley Normal School had been discussed for about 10 years.

She supported the council's delaying any decision on an extra crossing until the council was able to find a solution which pleased everyone.

''We certainly would not like to see a crossing placed right outside the home because of the effect it would have on parking.''


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