Opportunity to exhibit in Sweden

Blue Oyster Art Project Space director Jamie Hanton (left) watches artist Max Bellamy editing his...
Blue Oyster Art Project Space director Jamie Hanton (left) watches artist Max Bellamy editing his video work in Dunedin yesterday ahead of exhibiting his work in Sweden next month. Photo by Gerard O'Brien.

A Dunedin artist is heading off to the ''Supermarket'' in Sweden.

Video artist Max Bellamy is one of 88 artists from 32 countries who will exhibit at the ''Supermarket'' international art showcase in Stockholm next month.

The invitation was extended to Dunedin's Blue Oyster Art Project Space two years ago and accepted this year after financial assistance from the Swedish International Artist Residency Organisation and Dunedin arts supporter Jan Warburton. Mr Bellamy's short video work was shot in Curio Bay on Monday and Tuesday this week.

''I'm still deciding on a title for it,'' the 25-year-old said yesterday.

''It's based around a Department of Conservation field worker in a caravan in remote Curio Bay. He's thinking about his future and what he wants to take into that future. It plays out a scenario of isolation and communication,'' he said.

''It has been a challenge, because I don't know the Swedish audience. I imagine they will bring their own preconceptions about New Zealand to the work.''

Mr Bellamy is the only New Zealand artist exhibiting at the event.

''We wanted Max to go because he's a very professional and proud Dunedin artist,'' Blue Oyster Art Project Space director Jamie Hanton said yesterday.

''His work deals with globalisation and isolation, which is something we share with our Scandinavian friends.''

Mr Bellamy and Mr Hanton will travel to Sweden next month for the exhibition.

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