Otago Museum to meet with union

Shimrath Paul
Shimrath Paul
"Management culture" will be the subject of a meeting between the Public Service Association and the Otago Museum later this month.

PSA assistant national secretary Warwick Jones said in a statement yesterday a meeting had been arranged with the museum.

"We have an open agenda as we are seeking an open discussion about the issues we have raised," Mr Jones said yesterday.

Last week, Mr Jones told the Otago Daily Times that museum staff had concerns about intimidating behav-iour by senior managers, verbal intimidation, unrealistic deadlines for work, low pay and long hours of work without paid overtime or time off in lieu.

Museum director Shimrath Paul has rejected the union claims and similar claims from about a dozen former staff, and museum board chairwoman Margaret Collins says she is "not at all concerned" about the claims.

Seven of the museum's 89 staff are PSA members.

Mr Paul was unhappy Mr Jones spoke directly to the media rather than abide by a "media protocol" designed to ensure a "no surprises approach" when there were issues between the two organisations.

He provided the ODT with a copy of an undated protocol, stamped "confidential", which said, in part: "It is recognised that there is benefit in creating a shared understanding in communicating with the media on matters of joint interest."

Yesterday, Mr Jones said the protocol was negotiated in 1999 and "we believe the protocol has lapsed because it's been breached by both the union and the museum management and it hasn't helped either party address the real issues".

Most comments reported by the Otago Daily Times have come from former museum staff members, but an email received yesterday, claiming to be from a current staff member, said there were staff who enjoyed the atmosphere at the museum and others who did not and left.

"And then a majority who silently try to make the best of it, sometimes for years, but nearly always to the detriment of their health and morale. Well, now it seems that some of that silent majority is finding a voice.

"I am one of them and I feel a great sense of relief that these issues are getting out there."


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