Police officers injured in Octagon attack

Two Dunedin police officers were violently attacked while breaking up a fight in the Octagon this morning.

Police said the male and female officers were responding to a fight between two men about 4am.

As they attempted to arrest one of the men, he attacked them with "significant force", knocking one officer to the ground where the attack continued until

the man was eventually overpowered and arrested.

The officers, both experienced and aged in their 30s and 20s respectively, were taken to Dunedin Hospital where they were treated for moderate injuries before being released.

Dunedin Clutha Waitaki area commander Inspector Jason Guthrie said both officers were shaken by the incident.

He praised their courage and resilience in dealing with the incident.

"Both officers are very sore, but in good spirits despite the level of force applied to them."

He was consistently impressed by the resilience and professionalism of staff who dealt with this type of behaviour, he said.

Both officers would take some time off, but were keen to get back to work as soon as possible.

A 22-year-old Dunedin man faces several charges as a result of the incident.

