Sad twist for rock 'n' roll winner

Sam Gillions (21) and Stacey Gee (28), both of Dunedin, pictured after winning the open section...
Sam Gillions (21) and Stacey Gee (28), both of Dunedin, pictured after winning the open section of the South Island inter-club rock and roll competition in Christchurch on Saturday. Photo supplied.
It might have been more like Heartbreak Hotel than Rock Around the Clock when Sam Gillions and Stacey Gee won the premier open section of the South Island inter-club rock and roll competition at the weekend.

Sam (21) and fellow Dunedin resident Stacey (28) are both experienced rock and roll dancers, she having previously gained third place in the national championships.

They have only been dancing competitively together this year, having also won the open section at the Dunedin Rock 'n' Roll Revival Club's South Island Invitation Contest in February.

But in a sad twist, Stacey was competing at the latest annual inter-club championship in Christchurch on Saturday, only a week after her stepfather, Stewart Dunsmuir (63), had died at his Dunedin home, after a long illness.

Under the circumstances, Stacey had earlier been unable to compete in the Dunedin club's own championships, shortly after her stepfather had died.

But, on the "spur of the moment", she decided to go ahead with the later Christchurch event, and her stepfather's death had provided "extra motivation" to do well.

"I know he must have been watching over me," she said.

Sam said good teamwork had also been crucial, given the finals had involved some athletic prowess and split-second timing, including some complex lifts and throws with his partner.

"I'm just over the moon," he said, after his most important dancing win.

Sam and Stacey have both qualified for the rock and roll nationals, to be held in the North Island, but will not be competing until next year, because she has other immediate family priorities.

At the Christchurch contest, Sam also won a fun event, the Interclub Challenge, with Paige Askerud, of Dunedin; and was second, with Dunedin dancer Temika Bishop in an "Unders and Overs" final, combining older and younger dancers.

One of Stacey's children, Ty-rae Cherry (10) and Paige Askerud were second in the intermediate section.


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