Traffic lights look likely for Wakari

Colin Weatherall
Colin Weatherall
Traffic lights look set to be built at the intersection of Helensburgh and Taieri Rds, in Dunedin, because of the redevelopment of the nearby Wakari Hospital.

The Otago District Health Board has applied for resource consent to redevelop the old Wakari Hospital site.

It wants to relocate 350 staff to the site due to limited office space and a need to expand existing clinical services.

The application was the subject of a Dunedin City Council resource consent hearing on Friday.

Hearing panel chairman Cr Colin Weatherall said the health board had included new information in its proposal, including a commitment to contribute to the cost of new traffic signals on the intersection of Helensburgh and Taieri Rds.

More than half of the 10 submissions to the hearing had raised issues with increased traffic that the relocation would bring.

The cost of the traffic signals was expected to be between $140,000 and $180,000, and the board would come back to council staff with the amount of money it was expected to contribute.

A roundabout could not be considered because of the intersection layout and the slope of surrounding land.

Cr Weatherall said the panel reserved its decision.

Council staff would wait to hear how much the board was willing to contribute before making a decision.




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