Letters to Editor: Highlanders, ORC, Tamariki

Highlanders Jona Nareki, Ayden Johnstone, coach Clarke Dermody and head of rugby Jamie Joseph and...
Highlanders Jona Nareki, Ayden Johnstone, coach Clarke Dermody and head of rugby Jamie Joseph and former player Kees Meuws. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Today's Letters to the Editor from readers cover topics including the Highlanders and their views on marine conservatory, US politics, and the ORC 

Hey Highlanders, give marine reserve a go

I am horrified by Highlanders and rugby legends using their profile to advance their view, as recreational fishers, that we don’t need marine reserves here in Otago (ODT 28.2.24).

We really do. Life in the ocean is not an unlimited resource, and some sensible management now will mean that today’s fishers will be able to fish with their tamariki.

It is simply untrue that due consultation with the public was not done — the fishing community had three bites at that particular conservation cherry.

Give it a chance, guys — wait and see what a marine reserve can do for fish stocks.

Abby Smith

Professor of marine science

The Highlanders issued a statement on Wednesday which said: "The Highlanders represent all parts of our community south of the Waitaki and what was reported in the ODT story regarding proposed marine reserves was not a reflection of the club’s position but the personal opinions of five individuals linked together by rugby." — Editor.


OTT rhetoric

It is a cause of some worry to observe the tragic situation in my former country while the Orange Menace from Florida flings his loose-lipped megalomaniac pronouncements, causing deep division in US politics.

His lies and encouragement of radicalism endangers anyone else who exercises free speech.

Now I see the spring buds of the same sort of sentiments in New Zealand. Not mentioning names, but when writers to your paper object to leaders of democratic countries voicing concern about Israel’s genocide, and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, using the inflammatory "Marxist", I worry.

It is the moral responsibility of every country with a conscience to voice their objections forcefully.

As US President Biden has said, the response was "over the top". I am sure the US is rethinking Israel policy after this.

Kevin Burke



Don’t get fooled again

Phil Murray’s opinion article (ODT 26.2.24) spoke of environmental standards being lowered by the current government and the Otago Regional Council voting to continue with the current proposed regional land and water plan. Most New Zealanders regardless of their ethnic background would agree the environment and ecological health of our waterways need to be safeguarded. My "European perspective " and my " Christian colonial past" did not prevent me from seeing what kind of government the National Party would provide. No surprises there.

Susan Johnston



A Dunedin school bus. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN
A Dunedin school bus. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN
Value for money carrying NZ’s precious cargo

Come on Otago regional councillors, blaming the bus drivers for the need to drive up rates, is one of the mostly underhand and demeaning statements I have read in a long time, almost as long as it took for you to actually OK a decent wage of $30 gross, but only when threatened with a massive walkout after three or four years of negotiation.

Surely you would have realised in setting your budgets in previous years, that a wage rise was on the cards for bus drivers.

At least Crs Kelliher and Laws are realistic with their comments in line with the majority of the public. Imagine if regional council still had the $10million it wasted a few years back, just looking for a new site for its offices. As a school bus driver myself, I find it highly insulting. We are charged with carrying New Zealander’s most precious future cargo in our hands twice daily, in all sorts of weather and road conditions.

Shirley Hewlett



Address Letters to the Editor to: Otago Daily Times, PO Box 517, 52-56 Lower Stuart St, Dunedin. Email: editor@odt.co.nz