Cheeki Cherries has held fundraisers for 10 years.
A press release in the Cromwell Bulletin had inspired the choice of the Lions helipad project as the recipient of proceeds, owner Martin Milne said.
Proceeds from everything available on the day — from cherries to ice cream — were going to the fundraiser. Some workers were even working for free, he said.
"It’s good to give back."
This year was the first time live music was played at the fundraiser, with Cromwell performers Grace Tiko and Adrian Mak playing in a clearing in the orchard.
Tiko said she had benefited from Cheeki Cherries fundraisers, which helped her undertake a trip to the United States for her music.
She had been singing for six years, and wanted to use her voice to give back and help the orchard with their fundraiser this year.
She was happy this year’s funds were going to the Lions helipad project as the helipad would be useful for the community.
Mr Milne said the day had gone pretty well, and that it got busier as the day progressed.
He reckoned at one point during the day there were at least 40 cars visiting the orchard.
The music was a hit with visitors who were enjoying picnics in the sunny weather.
"We’ll probably do music next year," Mr Milne said.
By Ella Jenkins