After two months of deliberation, it has been decided the Maniototo community library will stay put.
A report by the Central Otago District Council's district library manager, Rebecca McElrea, said the council and Maniototo Area School Board both agreed the library should stay in its current place at the school.
The report will be tabled at the community services committee meeting tomorrow to be signed off.
Earlier this year the council decided to relocate the library to the Ranfurly Service Centre but came up against strong opposition.
Costs had been an ongoing issue and meetings were held between the council and board between 2013 and 2014 to help solve the issue.
One of the options included the council taking over the library at a cost of $127,000 but it decided to move the library instead to keep the running costs at $87,000.
The decision had been made at a closed meeting but the school board and Maniototo Community Board were not consulted, and sought a review.
Subsequent meetings between the community services committee, the mayor, and the school's board were held to address the community's concerns, as well as addressing operation costs, the report said.
A ''memorandum of understanding'' would be signed by the council and school board to manage the transition until a tenancy agreement is signed between the two parties.
The council would be responsible for the management and funding of the library. Library opening hours would also be reduced, to 11.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
Funding would increase in the 2015-25 long-term plan.