Musical society granted licence

An application by the Alexandra Musical Society for a special licence to sell alcohol during its show Evita has been granted by the Central Otago District Licensing committee.

It allows for the sale of alcohol for 30 minutes before the event and 20 minutes at intermission an evening, over six nights from September 26 to October 2.

Committee chairman Robert McNeil said the licence was initially opposed by Public Health South and the police due to the lack of substantial food being offered.

However, the health authority and police withdrew their objections after the musical society agreed to provide more food options.

The committee was satisfied with the amendment to the application and included the provision as a condition of the licence, granting the licence.

It was satisfied the opportunity for excessive consumption of alcohol was minimal, and as it started at 7.30pm, those attending were likely to have eaten a substantial meal beforehand.

The Alexandra Musical Society declined to comment.

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