Organic waste collection may come to Central Otago households as the Central Otago District Council (CODC) reviews existing services.
The council’s rubbish and recycling services contract finishes in June 2023 and the region’s residents are being asked their preferences for waste disposal.
The CODC operates transfer stations in Alexandra, Cromwell, Ranfurly and Roxburgh, as well as general rubbish drop-off facilities in Tarras and Patearoa, and recycling drop-offs throughout the region.
Kerbside collections consist of three bins: fortnightly general rubbish, fortnightly recycling and eight-weekly glass.
The review of waste services, which opened for public feedback yesterday, will allow the successful contractor time to prepare before commencing in July 2023.
Options under review include the provision of kerbside services to residents in Tarras, Queensberry and Patearoa, a re-use centre in Cromwell and the addition of green waste and organic/food waste collections.
Public consultation on the CODC’s waste services close on September 24.