Tree planting event looking for volunteers

Some of the 10,000 native trees to be planted out near McNulty Inlet at Cromwell this weekend are...
Some of the 10,000 native trees to be planted out near McNulty Inlet at Cromwell this weekend are ready to leave for their new home. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Lake Dunstan Charitable Trust plans to plant 10,000 native trees on the shore of Lake Dunstan in Cromwell this weekend, and is inviting residents, whanau groups and community organisations to come and help.

The ambitious planting is part of the trust’s Bridge to Bridge restoration project, which aims to restore native species and improve recreational access and use from Lowburn Bridge to Deadman’s Bridge.

Since the lake was created 30 years ago, the shoreline of Lake Dunstan has seen biodiversity loss, soil degradation, damage from pests, declining recreational use and aquatic weed (Lagarosiphon) infestations.

Land Information New Zealand (Linz) and the trust are working together to manage pest and invasive weed species along this area of shoreline and to introduce native fauna and flora that once thrived in the region.

In March 2021, the trust received just over $1 million through Linz’ Jobs for Nature fund to undertake landscape restoration, community outreach and develop a community vision profile for Lake Dunstan over a period of four years.

The trust is partnering with Te Tapu o Tane and Trees that Count on the project.

Te Tapu o Tane community connector Megan Phillips said community groups, stakeholders and individuals were all invited to take part in the planting on Saturday and Sunday.

"It’s a really good opportunity for the community to not only connect with the environment and the area, but to connect with others in the community," she said.

"By doing our bit to restore native vegetation, we can be a part of the fight against climate change, habitat loss and species decline."

Planting will be focused at McNulty Inlet and there will be activities for children to get involved as well.

The public is invited to dig in and help from 10am-3pm.

The Met Service forecast for Saturday is fine with morning frost, northerlies developing in the morning.

By: Staff reporter