A decision on whether carp can be used to control aquatic weeds in man-made irrigation structures in North Otago is expected to be made next month.
The North Otago Irrigation Company (NOIC) applied to the Minister of Conservation in March to transfer and release grass carp into two irrigation canals in an attempt to reduce the cost of controlling aquatic weeds blocking screens and causing problems with pumps.
NOIC chief executive Robyn Wells said a decision from Doc was expected next month.
A carp release took place in Lake Hood more than 10 years ago, but there have been no similar releases of grass carp in the Central South Island since.
Mrs Wells said if the trial did go ahead, the fish would only be released into man-made structures.
''We have made application to Doc for NZ Waterways Restoration Ltd to release carp into our man-made canal structures, one of which is adjacent to Bortons Pond but after our fish screen.
Once the decision is released, we will consider whether or not to pursue the carp option for weed control in our canals.''
Grass carp (which are completely different from koi carp) cannot breed in New Zealand, so need to be specially sourced.