A treemendous fundraiser

You cannot have a Christmas tree topper without a treetop — which was why North Otago Plunket community support co-ordinator Anna Glier (left) and community services manager Catherine Caley were putting up 10 Christmas trees at Oamaru’s Smith’s Grain Store, in Harbour St, yesterday.

It was also preparation for the Christmas Tree Festival fundraiser in which individual businesses spend $150 each to decorate a tree. This morning, those businesses will put their decorating skills to the test as the public vote for the best tree.

Mrs Glier said it was North Otago Plunket’s first time running the event — an idea members had got from the West Coast.

"We thought we would give it a go and see how it works," she said.

The trees will be on display today and tomorrow, during which time the public can vote for their favourite one.

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