So what will we call it?

Lyal Cocks.
Lyal Cocks.
With construction of the new Wanaka sports facility under way and work on the swimming pools due to start in January, the Queenstown Lakes District Council is calling for name suggestions for the overall project.

Wanaka ward councillor Lyal Cocks said a ''generic'' name was needed for the entire complex, while its different components could have individual, more specific names.

Willowridge Developments, owner of the Three Parks subdivision where the sports facilities are being built, would be consulted on the name.

It was possible commercial naming rights for the overall complex could be sold, but that was more likely for the various facilities within the centre, Mr Cocks said.

Stage one of the sports facility would include two full-sized indoor courts, changing rooms, meeting rooms and offices and outside, a multi-sport artificial turf and car parking, costing $13.9million.

The adjoining swimming pool complex would comprise an eight-lane lap pool, a 20m-long and 10m-wide learners' pool, which could double as a leisure pool, and a spa pool with space for 15 people, at a cost of $12.28 million.

Mr Cocks said name suggestions could be given to the council's Wanaka-based elected members.

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