Driver over limit after birthday party bubbly

A Queenstown woman caught at nearly six times the legal alcohol limit while driving told police she had drunk two bottles of bubbly the night before.

About 11am on Thursday, as Liudmila Georgievna Turnbull (40) headed to work on the Frankton-Ladies Mile Highway, a member of the public called police with concerns about her driving.

Police spotted her car about 10 minutes later in Lucas Pl, where Turnbull admitted to driving and gave a positive roadside test.

She was taken to the Queenstown police station for an evidential breath test, which gave a result of 1476mcg.

The legal limit is 250mcg.

She told police she felt "absolutely fine" to drive, despite drinking two bottles of sparkling wine at a friend’s 50th birthday party the previous night.

Lawyer Tanya McCullum said the reading was "exceptionally high", and the defendant realised she should have called in sick instead of going to work.

However, she was a "petite" woman, and did not have much to eat the day before.

She had no previous convictions.

At Turnbull’s sentencing in the Queenstown District Court on Friday, community magistrate Sally O’Brien told her she had been "absolutely a danger on the road".

"It’s lucky you didn’t hit anyone."

She imposed a fine of $700 and court costs of $130.

After a stand-down period of 28 days, she must apply for an alcohol interlock licence and have the device fitted to her vehicle. After the minimum 12-month interlock period, she will be subject to a zero-alcohol licence for three years.

Guy Williams, PIJF court reporter


