Show receives over 1100 entries

Celebrating their success are (from left) Catherine Jackson, Zara Jackson and Kaye Johnston, the...
Celebrating their success are (from left) Catherine Jackson, Zara Jackson and Kaye Johnston, the winners of the W.L. Hay Cup for the local family who scored the most points. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
The Waimate Garden and Craft Show drew more than 1100 entries earlier this month.

These included a variety of crafts, collectables, photographs, knitting exhibits and flowers of all types.

The extraordinary standard of the flower exhibits’ sections of dahlias, gladioli, roses and lilies were a sight to behold.

The colours, scents and profusion of varieties made an impressive showing.

New Zealand National Dahlia Society and Timaru Horticulture Society president Alistair Davey came to the event as a judge.

With more than 20 different categories meriting a winning cup there was something for everyone to show off their skills, hobbies and interests.

There were 14 displays of collectables and of particular interest was John Bryce’s collection of old Waimate bottles and a display of coal-mining equipment.

The Jackson family displayed their skills with baking, jam making, growing vegetables and flowers, and the youngest member, Zara, participated in most sections, winning the junior photography and junior craft competitions.

Steward Lex Young looks over the domestic and dahlia sections of the show.
Steward Lex Young looks over the domestic and dahlia sections of the show.
She won the George Dash Memorial Trophy for the junior entrant with the most points.

Her mother Catherine won the R.G. Blamires Cup for the champion lily, and her grandmother Kaye won the James Stark Challenge Cup for the most points in the vegetable section.

Together they won the W.L. Hay Cup for the local family which scored the most points.

The Waimate Garden and Craft Show has been running for more than 60 years, and was formerly known as the Knox Church Autumn Flower Show.

Next year’s show will be held on February 1, and more entrants and visitors are welcome.

The Waimate Garden and Craft Show can be contacted on Facebook.

Email to register for more information.