Free tai-chi lessons: ‘All you need is enthusiasm’

Free tai-chi instruction is offered at the Balclutha War Memorial community centre. PHOTOS: NICK...
Free tai-chi instruction is offered at the Balclutha War Memorial community centre. PHOTOS: NICK BROOK
Word is spreading and more are joining about a dozen tai-chi practitioners at Balclutha’s War Memorial community centre.

The one-hour sessions led by Falls Prevention Otago and promoted by Age Concern are free and have many benefits, especially for older citizens.

"We’ve known for a very long time tai-chi is great for balance, exercise and immunity," instructor Margaret Dando said.

Falls prevention co-ordinator Margaret Dando instructs.
Falls prevention co-ordinator Margaret Dando instructs.
"It’s also social, so it’s very holistic in combating loneliness as well as improving mobility."

The ancient Chinese martial art is shared at 10.30am in Balclutha and elsewhere throughout the district.

"All you need is your enthusiasm. Then you just watch the instructor and join in," Mrs Dando said.