Students were recognised for their achievements in the Lawrence Area School 2024 senior prizegiving.
Year 9

Academic Excellence Award for Year 9 – Samual Cook, Lawrence Lions – Evans’ Bequest for Diligence in Year 9 – Te Aroha Millhouse
Year 10
Isabella Alden (academic excellence in art, diligence in social science, physical education and health, food and nutrition); Alex Lorenz (academic excellence in science, and mathematics, diligence in technology); Tegan Leadbeater (academic excellence in English, social science, physical education and health, diligence in food and nutrition); Jessica McKenzie (academic excellence in food and nutrition and technology, diligence in English, science, mathematics, and art).
Academic Excellence for Year 10 – Tegan Leadbeater, Lawrence Lions – Evans’ Bequest for Diligence in Year 10 - Jessica McKenzie
Year 11
Emily Harrex (academic excellence in English, mathematics, social science, and physical education, diligence in food & nutrition); Katie Harrex (academic excellence in science and food and nutrition, diligence in English, and mathematics); Lachlan Wark (academic excellence in technology, diligence in social science); Olli Wotton (diligence in science and technology); Jonathan Lawrence (academic excellence in digital technology); Zack Fairburn (diligence in digital technology); Archie Wightman (diligence in Te Reo and physical education).
Academic Excellence in Year 11 – Emily Harrex, Lawrence Lions - Evan’s Bequest for Diligence in Year 11 – Olli Wotton
Year 12
Ava Dodds (academic excellence in mathematics and biology, diligence in English, physical education, and history); Luca Bell (academic excellence in agriculture, diligence in mathematics); Caitlyn May (academic excellence in English, physical education, and history, diligence in biology); Dylan Cunningham (academic excellence in digital technology); Kade Thompson (diligence in Technology).
Academic Excellence Award for Year 12 – Ava Dodds & Caitlyn May
Year 13
Te Aroha Goodlet (diligence in history, and physical education); Anna Harrex (academic excellence in mathematics, physical education, geography, and history, diligence in English); Charlotte Kenny (diligence in biology, food and nutrition, and tourism); Isla Ponsonby (academic excellence in English and biology, diligence in mathematics).
Lawrence Lions - Evan’s Bequest for Diligence in Year 13 – Isla Ponsonby
Lawrence Area School Dux 2024 - Anna Harrex
Katie Harrex (Food and Nutrition Award for Achievement at Year 11); Lochlan McKenzie (Shanks Cup for Effort and Achievement in Workshop Technology); Isla Ponsonby (Highland Pharmacy Lawrence Award for Excellence in a Senior Academic Subject – Level 2 Biology); Anna Harrex (Shirley Omer-Cooper Award for Social Sciences in the Senior School); Olive Little (Special Prize for the Contribution to the Arts); Emily Harrex (McCarron Cup Top Year 11 Student); Charlotte Kenny (Tuapeka Tecorian’s Senior Speech Trophy); Briar Hughes/Ned Wightman (Tuapeka Tecorian’s Years 9 & 10 Trophy); Amber Cunningham (Lawrence Area School Citizenship Award in Year 9 & 10); Te Aroha Goodlet and Briar Hughes (Mana Pounamu Young Maori Achievers); Charlotte Kenny (Robertson Cup for Integrity and Citizenship); Anna Harrex (Dittrich Cup for Outstanding Participation in School Activities); Charlotte Kenny & Anna Harrex (Principal’s Prize for Leadership).
Anna Harrex (McKinlay Cup for Senior Girls Swimming); Lachlan Wark (Aulsebrooke Cup for Senior Boys Swimming); Jessica McKenzie (LAS Year 9 & 10 Girls Athletics Champion); Willis McLaughlan (LAS Year 9 & 10 Boys Athletics Champion); Anna Harrex (Harrex Cup Senior Girls Athletics Champion); Archie Wightman (Harrex Cup Senior Boys Athletics Champion); Ned Wightman (Gray’s trophy for Intermediate Boys Cross Country Champion); Katie Harrex (SM Somerville trophy for Senior Girls Cross Country Champion); Archie Wightman (Soper Cup for Senior Boys Cross Country Champion); Caitlyn May (Wallace Cup for Best All-round Netballer); Charlotte Kenny (Lawrence Area School Cup for Contribution to Netball); Lochlan McKenzie (Weatherhall Trophy for Best All-round Rugby Player); Tegan Leadbeater (Warhurst Trophy for Contribution to Rugby); Te Aroha Millhouse (Lawrence area school Trophy for contribution to Volleyball); Lachlan Wark (Lawrence Area School Most Outstanding Clay Shooter Top Gun); Jonathan Lawrence (Most Outstanding Player in Boys Basketball); Archie Wightman (Best Contribution to Boys Basketball); Briar Hughes (Best Contribution to Girls Basketball); Luca Bell (Most Outstanding Player in Girls Basketball); Amy Alden (Best soccer player); Tegan Leadbeater (Lawrence Area School contribution to soccer); Tegan Leadbeater/Abigail Coulter (Lawrence Area School Trophy Most Promising Squash Player); Charlotte Kenny (Most Outstanding Ki O Rahi Player); Anna Harrex (Best Contribution to Ki O Rahi); Anna Harrex (Sports Volunteer of the Year Award).
Anna Harrex (Area Schools Nationals: Netball, Ki o Rahi and South Island Ki o Rahi team); Lochlan McKenzie (Athletics: Otago Secondary Schools, Area Schools Nationals: Rugby, Ki o Rahi); Charlotte Kenny (Area Schools Nationals: Ki o Rahi, South Island Area Schools Ki o Rahi team, Nationals Area Schools Ki o Rahi team, under 21 South Island Ki o Rahi team.); Isla Ponsonby (Area Schools Nationals: Netball); Briar Holgate (Area Schools Nationals: Netball & Basketball); Luca Bell (Area Schools Nationals: Basketball); Tegan Leadbeater (Area Schools Nationals: Rugby Development), Amy Alden (Area Schools Nationals: Football).