The Alliance Group Mataura Plant has recorded one of its highest returns of seasonal workers in about 15 years.
Alliance Group processing general manager John Brader said the company employed more than 800 people during the season and normally it had to take on between 120 and 150 new employees a year. However, this year only between 60 and 70 new employees were needed.
‘‘That is by any standard a very good return,'' Mr Brader said.
The high return rate meant less time had to be spent training new people, he said.
It was probably a ‘‘symptom of the current economic situation'', Mr Brader said.
Meanwhile, the Mataura plant was up to full capacity with its sheep and lamb processing and next week it would probably move into its overtime processing phase.
Day and night beefprocessing shifts had started and would be up to full capacity on Monday, he said.
Silver Fern Farms Waitane processing plant manager Mike Harris said the plant had been up and running since August and was nearly at full capacity, processing mutton and lamb.
The plant also processed bobby calves from August to early November, Mr Harris said.
The company employs 250 mainly local people during the season.
The plant was still looking for workers, he said.
Friday, 5 December 2008
High return of staff to meatworks