Man sentenced after he 'lost his rag' at Winz staff

A man who "lost his rag" at the Greymouth Work and Income office, yesterday pleaded guilty to a charge of speaking threateningly.

The Greymouth District Court heard that Michael Francis Shaw subsequently wrote a letter of apology to the complainant and now understood that Winz staff had a zero tolerance to people behaving the way he did.

Lawyer Richard Bodle said Shaw was in a difficult position financially. He had rent to pay and had not received the benefit he should have got.

He was upset and used words to the effect that he "may have to rob your place," towards the complainant. Security guards took offence and involved the police.

"He is apologetic he missed restorative justice, and would like the matter dealt with today. He is trying to put this behind him and is looking for work."

Judge Tom Gilbert told Shaw his actions had had an impact on the victim.

"I accept that your stress levels were high, but in any event your behaviour is unacceptable."

Shaw was convicted and sentenced to 150 hours of community work.