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By Valu Maka

Adelin (2), Harry (5), Jonty Craw (6), Theo McHugh (5) and Eli Watts (8), of Invercargill.

Mikayla Griffiths (13), of Taupo.

Harrison Findlay (14), of Cambridge, and Nixon Parkes (14), of Te Awamutu.

Kasey Goble (left, 14), of Tapanui, and Ada Roskham (6), of Southland, alongside Zakeira Smith (15), of Tapanui, and Beau Bothamly (6), of Invercargill.

Maci Fleury (12), of Dunedin, and Alyssa Goble (12), of Tapanui.
The 2023 MotoSouth NZ Junior Motocross Nationals were held on the weekend of Friday-Sunday, April 14-16, 2023 at The Sandpit on Pit Rd, Oreti, Invercargill.