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Dogs with rainbow-coloured costumes at an LGBTQ+ Pride parade in Bangkok after Thailand passed a marriage equality Bill, which made it Asia's third territory to legalise same-sex unions. PHOTO: REUTERS

A reveller of the Boi Caprichoso Association performs during the annual Parintins folklore festival at the Bumbodromo in Parintins, Brazil. PHOTO: REUTERS

British leader of the Liberal Democrats party Ed Davey rides a towable inflatable during a visit to Lakeside Ski & Wake in Cotswolds, Britain. PHOTO: REUTERS

A Jewish woman prays at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site, in the Old City of Jerusalem. PHOTO: REUTERS

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado attends a rally, despite not being able to run in the coming presidential elections. PHOTO: REUTERS

Revellers celebrate the sunrise during the July Morning festival at the pier of Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria. The festival dates back to the late 1970s when it was believed to be a form of protest against communist rule in the country....

A member of the Royal Birmingham Ballet performs on the Pyramid Stage during day five of Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm, Pilton, in Glastonbury, England. Founded by Michael Eavis in 1970, Glastonbury Festival features around 3000 performances...
Recent photographs from Reuters and Getty Images