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Car off the road in flood near Riversdale. Photo: Sandy Eggleston

Thornbury to Otautau Road closed. Photo: Mark John

Bury St where it runs down to the Mataura River is closed. Photo: Sandy Eggleston

Thornbury to Otautau Road closed. Photo: Mark John

Clean up in Downtown Queenstown. Photo: Rhyva van Onselen

Mataura river spread out into paddocks at Otamita Bridge. Photo: Sandy Eggleston.

Clean up in Downtown Queenstown. Photo: Rhyva van Onselen

Tussock Creek Grove Bush Road. Photo: Southland District Council

North Gore looking across the river to East Gore. Photo: Sandy Eggleston

Phil Clark, of Alexandra who was walking his dog Alfie along the flooded Clutha River near Alexandra. Photo: Shannon Thomson.

Spilling water at the Clyde Dam. Photo: Shannon Thomson.

Flooding in Wanaka. Photo: Milo Long

A water tanker in the Athol St carpark in Queenstown on Friday evening. Photo: Rhyva van Onselen
The aftermath of widespread flooding across Southland and Queenstown on Friday morning.